Messianic Complexes...good for tyrants...never good for the people

History is replete with examples of leadership by a fiat of God, or Gods, and one of the foundations of the American belief system is that the RIGHTS of the people come directly from God...they are a natural inheritance...and are not first imbued in a leader.

In more authoritarian cultures, the leader holds all of these rights in his, or her, capacity as a representative of a God, and the people must believe and respect that god-given power. This was true in the monarchies of Europe, where Kings and Queens could not effectively rule until blessed by the religious figures of the day. It was true in tribal societies, where the leader was approved by the Shaman or medicine man of the tribe.

Worship of the God was partially transferred to the human leader...this sanctification endorsed the leader as having the powers of life and death over those being ruled.

Our founding fathers understood the danger of this concept...they had witnessed it their entire lives unlike modern Americans, and though of a religious bent they understood that the only fiat from the almighty was that men and women be allowed to be free. They wished the American people to rule themselves...not to be ruled by others, but to employ some among them to administer to community needs by the use of a minimalist government.

There is, and always will be, however, an emotional need within some to be become part of a nurturing flock...and this need can be found manifested in both religious belief and, in defiance of our constitution, in the belief of the power of a government.

This perception is based upon a fiction. It is one thing to believe that a God is greater than human kind...after all a God is a concept of all-knowing and all-seeing power...but power which an individual can make personal choices in regard. In other words...God may say, "Thou shall not covet they neighbor's wife" but the individual decides for himself whether to covet his neighbor's wife or not. God allows us the right of choosing what path we take. God is not going to strip us of our rights and have us executed. (Of course that's exactly what happens under Sharia law...which is an entirely different conversation...where men make assumptions as to God's will and their power to carry out God's will...this being the ultimate self-delusion.)

It is quite another thing to make the leap into seeing government or people in government, especially in a constitutional republic, as being all powerful. The folks who work in government are the employees of the people...we are their employers...they are workers...nothing more and nothing less.

The American President, referred to by media buffoons as the most powerful man in the world, is literally nothing more than the chief administrator of a large bureaucracy. He has no real power, only responsibilities, which we have granted him, to get certain jobs done.

Despite this very real job description and clarification, which is strictly controlled by our constitution, there will always be those who view presidents as being far more than they can, or should, be. When they ask a president for better jobs or housing; when they cry, sob, and carry on in his presence; when they flock together under his false aura of benevolent power...they are simply playing the part of fools in a rather cheesy drama; a drama ready made for the simple-minded and those with little or no self-image or self-respect.

Even here, in the Unites States where the individual is held up as the ideal, where we respect each person for whom they are and what they can be, there exists this mind-set along with a certain inclination to worship politicians, celebrities, movie stars, athletes and others.
Recently we have been inundated with portraits and doctored photos of elected officials in the US where they are presented in poses reminiscent of biblical scenes. Examples; a statue of the president riding a donkey while palm fronds were strewn before him, or a portrait of the president wearing a crown of thorns, or a photo with a halo emananting behind him...all are examples of a rather weird worship mentality not normally afforded our employees in the political arena.

Respect for a person's accomplishments is one thing...some people set examples for others...hit goals which we admire and we can aspire to reach ourselves. Worship of another human being, one whom we don't really personally know, is normally a sign of something lacking in our own lives...a gap in our own self-image that we desperately need to fill. It's this gap that demagogues and would-be tyrants seek out and try to take advantage of.

Sometimes it's simply for sexual gratification...such as a rock star who sleeps with hundreds of nameless women and girls as he passes through on tour. Sometimes it's for cash...con artists of every type excel in this skill. Sometimes it's for political power...and there have been so many examples throughout history that we could never account for them all.

Even US Presidents have, on occasion, become objects of worship to those desperate for answers. Fortunately, our constitution prevents such politicians from using these human weaknesses to take too much power from the people...and when the politician is gone, the people are normally able to wrest that power back and to put the brakes on their government (such as when the 22nd Amendment was passed after FDR won a fourth term in the way...there are people in our Congress right now who are putting forth a bill to delete the 22nd Amendment for good).

Our founders understood these human emotions and the resulting dynamics and prepared our constitutional system to guard against such disasters; and the resulting tyranny. Unfortunately, there will always be a substantial portion of any population, human nature being what it is and always will be, prone to being victimized by the desire to worship a human being...a human being who is really no more nor less than they themselves.

Times may change...the names and the faces may change...but people will never really change. Understanding this, it is incumbent upon the remainder of us, the majority actually, to rise above the fray of popular opinion and culture and view the world in the context of history and in the harsh light of reality. And in the center of that light...thanks be to a real God...there lies our rule of law and the US Constitution. Let's make sure it stays intact, and remains in the spotlight.

The Professor's baaaaak

In the first decades of the 20th Century the "ism's" of the world were in full flower: Fascism, Socialism, Communism...all were seemingly viable solutions for all of the "problems" of mankind.

Those "problems" were the same then as they are today: lack of order...lack of authority...too many people going in their own directions while unfettered by the wisdom of those who considered themselves "elite". Such lack of "order" created unpredictability, consumerism, individual ownership of assets and finances...oh the horror of it all.

Thank goodness the new "ism's" promised "final solutions" to the rampant growth in personal wealth and the expansion of western culture and capital enterprise. At one point the parties representing these "ism's" actually won elections in the nations of Europe, and in the process made certain future elections might never be allowed to interfere in the promised permanent establishment of order and peace.

Thank goodness they were so successful...if the National Socialists of Italy (the Fascistas) and the National Socialist Workers party of Germany (the N.A.Z.I) had not come to power there could have been dire consequences...such as a world-wide war.

Having dodged that bullet, and with the convenient lack of memory that comes with the passing of time, the people of Europe, and now of the United States, are again fiddling with assorted "ism's" sugar-coated in various guises.

One of these, and one of the least recognized, is a spin of socialism first perfected by the Fascista Party in Italy, then copied in the US and in Germany. Often referred to as "Corporatism" it is a oft-muddied and seldom mentioned concept. Which is a shame, because Corporatism is alive and well and now becoming an obsession with the new US administration.

Most of us familiar with US history can remember military incursions ordered by presidents of the past into places like Nicaragua, early in the century on behalf of the United Fruit company.

We also remember President Eisenshower's dire warning about the "Military-Industrial Complex" and his follow-up statements on Corporatism and Congress. We may also recall President Reagan's warnings about the "unholy alliances between congressional and corporate interests".

Oddly, but not surprisingly to those who understand the conservative viewpoint, the politicians who so loudly championed social programs and "progressive" government were not the ones who warned us of the evils of Corporatism...rather they were, and still are, the cultivators of that system.

The simple explanation as to why that is true is that Corporatism is all about power...about taking power away from the populace and giving it to government. Benito Mussolini managed to create a powerful totalitarian state only because he made trade-offs with a handful of corporations, which wanted to grow and needed the aid of government to do so. Adolph Hitler created alliances with the most powerful industrial leaders of Germany, giving them ownership and control of competitors, vendors, and sub-contractors in exchange for their support. Together they built a massive industrial war machine like none ever before seen.

In the US, beginning around 1913, wage and price controls, regulatory requirements, and subsidies began to gush out of Washington D.C. on behalf of corporate giants like US Steel. The public was subjected to an anti-business propaganda tirade which made is easier for Congress to control commerce in the name of "consumer protection". To escape this assault, companies had to donate generously to re-election campaigns and to fall into line when instructed. All done "for the people" of course.

The culture of Corporatism only deepened as wage and price controls and over-regulation drew the country into the great depression, deepened that depression, and on through the second world war.

It was not until millions of young Americans, who had been raised on the wonders of government and Corporatism, came home from that war that things began to change. They had witnessed, first hand, what those same policies had wrought in Europe and in Asia. They knew the horrors created by centrally-controlled systems run by demagogues and power-hungry politicos, and they knew they had been lied to.

That generation rejected the status quo and a new conservative movement was born in the United States. This movement rejected the concepts of strong government and Corporatism and hailed the individual, the small business, and the constitutional freedoms our system could, and should always, guarantee.

For six decades Corporatism was on the back shelf. Now it is back...bigtime. Our younger citizens don't even know what we speak of...though they are getting to see a new era of Corporatism being born before their eyes. Again they are being inundated with anti-business propaganda. Hatred of business people and free markets is being grown and nurtured in order to create a diversion from the excesses of a failing, but power-hungry, Congress.

Witness the reaction of the Corporate owned media outlets when some of us citizens had the gall to question the new tax policies this last April 15th. We, who "own" the government...who employ politicians...and who have the responsibility to oversee and correct these employees...were soundly chastised, insulted, and vigorously assaulted as we tried to do just that. And who were the assailants? Not surprisingly...they were massive corporations and the sheepish talking heads they call reporters.

Today, insteading of breaking up the Ma Belle's, this same Congress is bailing out failing corporate giants, with our money and despite our protest of their actions, in order to take control of those entities in the board room. In exchange, those corporations are again promising to fund re-election campaigns and to "fall in line" on issues. The Free Market is being taken out of the is our prerogative to support, or abandon, companies that should be providing products and services instead of pro-government propaganda.

Is it any wonder that the corporate "news" media outlets are so terrified of letting the people speak out. If the people have their way, these giants will collapse and those "reporters" will have to flip burgers for a living.

A classic example: General Electric, despite it's rapid decline in the marketplace, became the parent company of the "news" network MSNBC even though that company was also hemoragging funds. The sole purpose was to make MSNBC a propaganda wing of the company in support of any politician who would promise to support "Cap and Trade" or other "environmental" taxes which would be funnelled directly to GE through their "green" divisions. Those same divisions have accounted for most of GE's losses.

In exchange, GE and MSNBC are loud and generous supporters of anyone willing to hand over our money to keep them from bankruptcy. They are, of course, acting in their own self-interest...something we can accept until they do so by use of bribery, coercion, and in concert with corrupt government officials and politicians...and do so by stealing the money from the people in the guise of environment protection.

Of course the GE example is just skimming the surface of the new Corporatist movement. This thing will take off like a rocket if enough taxes can be brought to bear against you and I. If Corporatism is successful, it will not be only government agencies sucking money and production out of the economy while returning nothing of value, but corporations and business entities will be joining in. No longer will they survive by trading production and value for revenue...they will survive by taking in vast quantities of tax money while giving little or nothing in return. It won't matter if we stop shopping them, or using their they are only required to "be green" their products and services will become lower in quality and eventually disappear.

When that happens, it will snowball, and even small firms may be sucked down the drain of failure. Only time...and the Congress...will tell...and only we can stop it, and can only do so if we understand how it is happening and why we let it get this far.